Learning To Say 'No' - Jessica K Coaching

written by MumsThatThrive

Fear of judgement is a *motherf*&%r*…

I spent what seems like a lifetime worrying what others thought of me, stuck in the comparison trap. I was a people pleaser.

I felt like an imposter and I would constantly self sabotage because deep down, I wasn’t worthy of happiness or success.

That USED to be me. It has taken years of work on myself to get where I am today.

To discover my worthiness…

To trust myself …

To learn to say NO if it doesn’t sit right with me.

I had to reprogram my mind so that I could emerge as an empowered and self loving woman.

I’m telling you this so you know YOU can absolutely reprogram YOURSELF.

Whatever is learnt, can also be unlearnt.

Most of the time, the baggage and the self limiting beliefs we are carrying, aren’t even our own!


They were subconsciously picked up from our parents, environment, friends in the formative years, and we never became conscious of them.

The first step is awareness of what we are holding on to, the negative patterns we are repeating, that are holding us back from the life we deserve 🙏🏻Self worth and self love is the foundation for everything else.

Embrace your perfectly imperfectness and turn your weaknesses into strengths.

🌟Being unapologetically you takes courage. Take the first step by reaching out, send me an email.

💌Live in the growth zone and shine your beautiful light from within outward.

When you do that, you will see all the beautiful souls that enter your life. But it takes YOU to do “the work”. It doesn’t magically happen. You can! Trust me. If I did… you can to.



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